Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Early last month, I was honoured with a Certificate in Business Writing, Public Relations, and Marketing Communications from SFU's Writing and Publishing Program. I guess I can add CBWPRMC after my name now :-) Ok, maybe not.

Seriously, I've been writing professional stuff for a long time, but most of my training has come through short courses, picky editors, and plenty of practice. That, and a short stint years ago as an English and History major at UBC, has served me well. But for some reason I thought I'd formalize things a bit. Ergo, the courses at SFU.

Continuing education is always good, and you just never know where it will lead you. Eons ago in another life, I quit a boring janitorial job and started working as a pest control technician for a small company. I found a related correspondence course at Purdue University and signed up. That got me started towards even more formal education, and ended up with me working as an extension biologist, managing a research and development group. Go figure.

So where is this new accolade going to take me? Who knows. Don't care. I enjoyed the courses, learned a lot, met some new people, made a few friends. Anything else is gravy.

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