I last posted a note that I've been working at a new job that was to last through the end of December. Well now it's going to carry on longer. That's good. It's nice to know you've made an impression that's at least good enough for them to want you around for a while.
Actually, I was looking foward to a slow start in the first week of January. There were no events planned, and one of our projects wasn't due out for a couple of weeks. I thought I'd have at least a day or so to get my mind back on work after the holidays. Boy, did I underestimate. I've been going steady for two days now. The days just disappear. It took quite a while just to update my calendar with all the events and activities that are coming up over the next couple of months...never been this calendarized in my life ;-)
There are perks though. Over Xmas I blew the budget. I tend to do my own Xmas shopping and usually end up managing to justify all the toys I need want. That's fun. It actually started in a small way before Xmas, but now that I'm making some extra cash, I realized my technology budget is up. Ahhh...Best Buy!