Saturday, April 15, 2006

Adapter vs adopter

In this article, Seth Godin notes:

"the folks you mean to be talking about are "early adopters." And the distinction is critical and demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of what's happening. An adapter is someone who is able to deal with changing conditions. This sort of person isn't ruffled by a new policy or an environmental change. Let's hope that penguins are good adapters.

Adopters, on the other hand, seek out change, want the new stuff. They like it. Big companies with power are used to a person adapting when they exercise their will. Small, nimble companies look for adopters."

I think I'm both at times. An early adopter, in that I really like searching out and trying new things; an early adapter, when I accept that those new things don't solve all my problems ;-)

There's lots of innovation out there. That's what make the world an interesting place. The trick is in finding out what innovations are useful for your situation.

An example: I can't count the number of innovative software programs that I've download and vowed to use religiously. And I do. At least until the next innovation comes along.

Still, sometimes a progam will catch on. EccoPro is an example of that. It's a PIM that came out during the time of Win 3.1. I used it religiously at work (WinNT) and at home (Win3.1, Win95, WinMe, Win98, WinXP) until just last year. It provides a calendar, todos, and notes, and syncs flawlessly between copies that are on different computers - both ways. It also synced with my palm PDA.

The only reason I'm not still using it regularly is that I'm more outlook centric now because of email. I do still use it for project planning and a personal diary though.

To bad development stopped in the 90s. There has been talk of moving it to open source or another developer, but so far I haven't heard of any success. Sad.


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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just removed a comment about all the free degrees I can get from the spambot that left the comment